Completely open source admin dashboard

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What is this?

Material admin template is absolutely free for commercial usage theme, that uses google's implementation of material design - Material Design Lite library.
It doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks and aims to be responsive and optimized for cross-device usage. All components are created with CSS (scss), JavaScript (es6), and HTML5.


Playing around with your customisations this looks quite well done. I haven't seen enough folks playing around with darker Material Design variants with MDL so this is awesome to see.

- Addy Osmani Engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform creator of MDL library

Technical moments

Material admin template uses google's implementation of material design - Material Design Lite library.

All components are created with vanilla javascript (es6), sass and html5. Here is no jQuery and aims to be responsive and light-weight for cross-device usage. Read more

Design features

DARKBOARD is the first admin theme with dark material design concept. It was challenging project for us to design dashboard in dark material style, given data readability and usability in widgets. So here it is and we are very interested in your opinion! Fill free to write us!

Fully responsive
User experience focused
Dark material design

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Contact with us

We are open for collaboration. Fill free to write us on or you can ask whatever you want in following form.